
event descriptions
demolition derby
Come out and watch the carnage as these skilled drivers smash and crash into one other until only one remains. The demo is unpredictable! Some races may end quickly in a fury of carnage, while others may evolve into a slugfest of endurance. These events are centered around family fun while having a great competition. You will not want to miss this event; it has proven to be a great time for the entire family!

horse racing
Horse racing is one of the oldest sports in the world that has not undergone any significant changes concerning the concept of the game. Most common at county fairs is harness racing —A form of horse racing, designed for trotting horses to compete against each other while pulling a two-wheeled cart, called a sulky, and a driver. Racehorses need to maintain their speed over a set distance rather than sprinting their way through. Jockeys need to help their horse to manage their speed and spread out the energy. For this reason, both racehorses and jockeys need to have a high stamina as well as mutual respect for each other. The Schuyler County Fair continues to start the fair off with horseracing. Come out and watch the talent of local horses and horses traveling from a distance race to the finish line.
livestock show
The livestock shows at the Schuyler County Fair are the closest events to our roots as an agricultural fair since they are the events that have changed the least over the years. Many young and old exhibitors bring their animals to exhibit during the fair. Among the animals that are shown are goats, hogs, and cattle. Whether the exhibitor is from a farm specializing in a certain breed, or a young person whose animal is their annual project, many people are interested in seeing which animals will be chosen as the champions each year.

miss schuyler county fair
The Schuyler County Fair Queen Pageant has been a long tradition in Schuyler County since 1960. Young ladies compete by showing off their poise, stage presence, communication skills and professionalism. The winner is crowned Miss Schuyler County Fair and goes on to compete in Miss Illinois County Fair Queen Pageant in Springfield each year.
The Little Miss & Mister Pageant
The Little Miss & Mister Pageant has always been a big hit on stage just before the Miss Schuyler County Fair Queen Pageant. Ages 4-6 compete for the title of Little Miss & Little Mister Schuyler County. The winners get to participate in events throughout the Fair and even get their own Box Seat to watch all the events close up!

For years the Schuyler County Fair has held a mudsling on the fair's last day. The grandstands are full for this action-packed event, from bone stock to super stock. You can watch a truck off the street to a super stock that will fly through the mud pit. The mudsling never disappoints at the Schuyler County Fair.

Whether you like timed or rough stock events, you can see both at the Schuyler County Fair Rodeo. In each rough stock event, saddle bronc, bareback, and bull riding, the contestant is scored on both the animal’s performance and their own. In the timed events, tie-down roping, team roping, barrel racing, and breakaway roping, the contestants compete against the clock to earn the fastest time in their event.
Come out and watch the cowboys and cowgirls show off their talents. Also, watch out for the funny man! Come out and watch a great show and be entertained. See you at the Schuyler County Fair!
talent show
The Talent Contest is held every year just before the Little Miss & Mister Pageant followed by the Miss Schuyler County Fair Queen Pageant. This is the opportunity for kids of all ages to come out and show off their talent, from signing to dancing and all sorts of talent in between. The winners in each division will compete in the State Talent Show in Springfield in January every year.

tractor pull
For 55 years, the Schuyler County Fair tractor pull has consistently been one of the highlights for the Illinois Tractor Pullers Association circuit. Whether you like your favorite brand of stock-appearing tractors blowing big diesel smoke clouds or methanol-burning hot rods roaring down the track with the sled, the best pullers in Illinois and many other states can be found here in Rushville every year.